Page name: yu yu hakusho contest [Logged in view] [RSS]
2004-07-07 21:11:11
Last author: Raiko Fire
Owner: Raiko Fire
# of watchers: 7
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D20: 12
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welcome to the

Yu Yu Hakusho Contest!

Contest closed! Vote in <poll:24479>

Voting is over!
The winner is [Ramirez]!

1.No copying, must be your own work
2.No nudity
3.None of that "Kurama and Hiei are lovers" stuff >.<
4.No begging, advertising, or making people/friends vore for you, it's not fair
5.Remember to put a line ([*hr*] without *'s), your name, and a number

For questions, contact [Raiko Fire]

A badge for contestants

Deadline undecided

Just add your entry under here! ^^

<img:> This is Kurama my fav, small but one of my best. [Bunny of The Moon~]

<img:> My second entry its Yukina![Bunny of The Moon~]

3. [mburk] I may put a new pic up soon

4.[fox thief of hearts]

5. [Kuramasgirl] yes I know it isn't very good, but it was the only one I had!

7.[Ramirez] um..yeah its..Hiei..o.O

8. ([Blue Knight]) Young Genki

9. [tk08] a little younger n more innocent looking hiei...

10. [SapphireDragon] my pic of Hiei *hug* done on paint^^ enjoy!!

11. [FlamingPheonix]

12. [hotarukat]
Hiei is consumed by the black flames.


Username (or number or email):


2004-03-16 [YokoTsuta]: you said that as if ya didn't mean it at all.

2004-03-16 [yuki undefined]: *sigh*...they are wonderful. i love them, otherwise I wouldn't comment...alright? are we all happy now?

2004-03-16 [YokoTsuta]: well, Rei just left. and i don't really care about other's opinions. ^^

2004-03-16 [yuki undefined]: well thats nice to say *twitch* I was giving a complement.

2004-03-16 [YokoTsuta]: *shrug*

2004-03-18 [Raiko Fire]: beautiful Hiei, [tk08] ^^

2004-03-19 [yuki undefined]: nice picuture! I think I might enter one just to fit in...but first I have to draw it..hmm

2004-03-19 [Raiko Fire]: that's always a good idea o.0

2004-03-19 [YokoTsuta]: *laughs* I love the pic! very smooth shading and everthing! ^^

2004-03-20 [Kuramasgirl]: ..

2004-03-20 [Lady Alaina]: I bet [Kuramasgirl] likes that one made by [The Weaver of Dreams]...*looks at her suspicously* And I like the one made by [tk08]! *looking at the pic drooling with heart-eyes*Oooooh...reallly like...

2004-03-20 [Kuramasgirl]: yes, I do like the one made by [The Weaver of Dreams], but I've entered, so I can't vote for her^^''

2004-03-20 [Raiko Fire]: no voting for yourself XP

2004-03-21 [Bunny of The Moon~]: Thank you.

2004-03-21 [Raiko Fire]: ^^

2004-03-21 [yuki undefined]: haaa i'm never going to get around to drawing that pic...

2004-03-21 [YokoTsuta]: whee!

2004-03-21 [Raiko Fire]: that's not good, Baka Saru-chan ¬¬

2004-03-21 [YokoTsuta]: hey! I wasn't saying it like that!

2004-03-21 [Raiko Fire]: o.0 then don't put an exclamation mark on the end -.-;;;

2004-03-21 [YokoTsuta]: if I didn't, then it would be a boring statement that no noe would respond to.

2004-03-21 [Kuramasgirl]: I wasn't going to vote for my self, actually, just that I wasn't going to vote at all because of my entering

2004-03-21 [Ramirez]: o.O

2004-03-22 [YokoTsuta]: that sounds stupid.

2004-03-22 [Kuramasgirl]: i don't f**kin' care

2004-03-22 [YokoTsuta]: and I don't care what you think. ^^

2004-03-22 [Kuramasgirl]: well that worked out nicely didn't it-_-

2004-03-22 [YokoTsuta]: yes, it did.

2004-03-22 [Kuramasgirl]: ...

2004-03-22 [YokoTsuta]: you're in a sucky mood today, ya know? ^^

2004-03-22 [Kuramasgirl]: what do you mean?-_-

2004-03-22 [YokoTsuta]: you're all.....bleh and snappy.

2004-03-22 [Kuramasgirl]: well, you would be too if you were going through what I am-_-

2004-03-22 [YokoTsuta]: ooh, PMS?

2004-03-22 [Kuramasgirl]: NOOOOOO!!!

2004-03-22 [YokoTsuta]: what?! you act like it's that!

2004-03-22 [Kuramasgirl]: ....?.....

2004-03-22 [YokoTsuta]: gah!

2004-03-22 [Kuramasgirl]: ......?......

2004-03-22 [YokoTsuta]: what?

2004-03-22 [Kuramasgirl]: I'm not sure....

2004-03-22 [YokoTsuta]: n.n

2004-03-22 [Kuramasgirl]: ¬¬

2004-03-22 [YokoTsuta]: :P

2004-03-22 [Kuramasgirl]: --

2004-03-22 [yuki undefined]: O.O

2004-03-22 [YokoTsuta]: hi

2004-03-22 [yuki undefined]: hi...I see there are angry people here...*sigh* I hope all is well

2004-03-22 [YokoTsuta]: yep. one of my 'friends'. being stupid today though. ^^ will you take the poll in my house, pwease?

2004-03-22 [Kuramasgirl]: I took your poll by the way, 'freind'

2004-03-22 [YokoTsuta]: thank you 'friend'. which one did you choose, 'friend'? ^^

2004-03-22 [Kuramasgirl]: Hakutsoto (sp?) or some name like that, is that alright, 'freind'?

2004-03-22 [YokoTsuta]: HakuTsuta. sure, 'friend'.

2004-03-22 [Kuramasgirl]: sorry 'friend', I have trouble remembering certain names, so, do you know if Katie Moss is off on Spring Break this week, 'friend'?

2004-03-22 [YokoTsuta]: yes, 'friend' she is off. why do you think I'm on here right now?

2004-03-22 [yuki undefined]: i'm new at do I take them (dont mind me if I sound stupid but I really dont know)

2004-03-22 [YokoTsuta]: you can click on the person's name and when you get to their house page, there will be a little button that says 'Members Polls'. click that and vote.

2004-03-22 [yuki undefined]: i'll look for that..if I dont end up voting then i didn't figure it out ^^ (sry i'm dumb)

2004-03-22 [YokoTsuta]: that's okay. ^^

2004-03-23 [Kuramasgirl]: I see you changed your name, 'freind'

2004-03-24 [Raiko Fire]: Oh shut up! >.< 'friend''friend''friend''friend''friend''friend''friend''friend''friend'! x.x *kills you all*

2004-03-24 [yuki undefined]: *lays dead* *opens eye* can I not be dead?

2004-03-24 [Raiko Fire]: you're okay, Yuki. THEM, on the other hand, have been at this for days T.T

2004-03-24 [yuki undefined]: *sits up* *sighs* thank goodness *smiles*

2004-03-25 [YokoTsuta]: hey! *twitch* do you know that Kiko is the dumbest animal on the face of the earth? (I'm not kidding, either)

2004-03-25 [Raiko Fire]: -.-;;; she's not the brightest bulb in the bunch.....

2004-03-25 [YokoTsuta]: more like a black light.

2004-03-25 [Raiko Fire]: o.o *twitch* she's more like a strobe....she has these little flares of intelligence, but then they go out XD

2004-03-25 [YokoTsuta]: very few and far between, too.

2004-03-25 [yuki undefined]: kiko...hmm..

2004-03-25 [YokoTsuta]: kitty!

2004-03-26 [Kuramasgirl]: lol

2004-03-26 [YokoTsuta]: what? leave me alone! *runs away*

2004-03-26 [Kuramasgirl]: YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2004-03-26 [YokoTsuta]: XP *tosses an empty rum bottle at your head* * it collides with your head*

2004-03-26 [yuki undefined]: *watches* *blink blink*

2004-03-26 [YokoTsuta]: ^^

2004-03-27 [Kuramasgirl]: *rubs head*.....

2004-03-27 [YokoTsuta]: whee!

2004-03-28 [Kuramasgirl]: need I say it again?

2004-03-28 [YokoTsuta]: *tosses another bottle at your head* no!

2004-03-28 [Kuramasgirl]: *dodges bottle* :P

2004-04-05 [Lady Alaina]: O.O [tk08],you're amazing! (This is whats really going through my head:HIEI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(and alot more...^^'))

2004-04-07 [YokoTsuta]: ^^

2004-04-08 [yuki undefined]: watch it Alex! he's mine!!

2004-04-08 [Raiko Fire]: o.0;;; I know that's [Ramirez]'s name..but wha-?

2004-04-08 [yuki undefined]: the show...*sigh*

2004-04-08 [Ramirez]: I'm lost...

2004-04-08 [Lady Alaina]: I LOVE THE DEMON HIEI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HE"S MINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND DONT YOU FORGET IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2004-04-08 [yuki undefined]: *twitching* *hits Alex with a mallet* STAY AWAY FROM HIM!! you've got Inuyasha. *walks away with mallet over shoulder*

2004-04-08 [Raiko Fire]: o.0 Alex is a guy....

2004-04-08 [Bunny of The Moon~]: lol

2004-04-08 [Ramirez]: I think Yuki's talking to Lady Alexandria...not me..

2004-04-08 [Raiko Fire]: oh...duh..x.x....yeah >.> *baka baka baka*

2004-04-08 [Ramirez]: ^^;;

2004-04-08 [YokoTsuta]: ^^ rei went to the restroom. ^^

2004-04-08 [Lady Alaina]: rrrrrrrr...Alexander is a guy. Alexandria is a girls name,THANK YOU!!!

2004-04-09 [YokoTsuta]: she says, "Soooorry, I got confused XP"

2004-04-09 [Lady Alaina]: Thank you...

2004-04-09 [Ramirez]: o.o;;

2004-04-09 [Raiko Fire]: ¬¬;;...

2004-04-09 [Lady Alaina]: How on Heaven and Earth do you make those eyes,Rei?

2004-04-09 [Raiko Fire]: alt 169 on the number pad

2004-04-09 [Lady Alaina]: ? What?

2004-04-09 [Ramirez]: For some reason my buttons on my keypad on the right arn't working. I haven't the faintest idea why either.

2004-04-09 [yuki undefined]: o.O

2004-04-09 [yuki undefined]: i'm on a laptop so I have no number pad at the moment ^^ anyone wana try out my mallet? its really a good mallet, *swings it once and accidently hits Alex, as in 'Alexander'* oops *laughs nervously* sorry about that..*hides mallet behind back*

2004-04-09 [Ramirez]: *rubs his new forming bruise tenderly* thanks, much. I'm honored to have your stupidty brush paths with my skin.

2004-04-09 [Lady Alaina]: O.O You're name is Alex!? Cool!!!

2004-04-09 [yuki undefined]: uheh heh...*scratches head* i'll just uhh put the mallet down now *places it down gently* *smiles big* heh heh

2004-04-09 [Ramirez]: Yes...yes..indeed. Now I must say my most infamous departing words...Goodbye and farwell; may the winds of time guide you on its breath of freedom..*bows and walks off, melting into the shadows.*

2004-04-09 [yuki undefined]: *watches* ooook? *looks at alexandria* whered he go?

2004-04-09 [Raiko Fire]: if you want your number pad to work, you have to put number lock on, it should be on the top left of the pad

2004-04-09 [yuki undefined]: wont let me do it. oh well I still have another computer in the other room

2004-04-09 [Ramirez]: I dont have a number lock button. But acordding to the little green light on my keyboard its on. Considering it says "num lock" and the light above it is green.

2004-04-09 [yuki undefined]: *nods* I tried it...but it didn't work! It came out to be something else. *blinks*

2004-04-09 [Raiko Fire]: well, different computers, I guess. It doesn't work like that on yokotsuta's comp either

2004-04-09 [Kuramasgirl]: .......ôo

2004-04-09 [Lady Alaina]: It doesnt work on the number pad...which one? I have 2...

2004-04-09 [Kuramasgirl]: ...¤.¤.....

2004-04-09 [Lady Alaina]: What the-!?!?

2004-04-09 [Ramirez]: ƒ who it works now -_-;; stupid keyboard. § ô.o weird, indeed...I hate this keyboard -_-;;

2004-04-09 [Kuramasgirl]: lol æ.......ü

2004-04-09 [Raiko Fire]: the one to the right

2004-04-09 [Ramirez]: dæmon bwehah ahem.

2004-04-09 [Raiko Fire]: o.0;;; ....ooooooooooooooooookay....

2004-04-09 [Lady Alaina]: Um...let me try...

2004-04-09 [yuki undefined]: cool ^^

2004-04-09 [Lady Alaina]: ...It wont let 'Alt' and the keypad?

2004-04-09 [Raiko Fire]: yes...

2004-04-10 [YokoTsuta]: ???

2004-04-10 [Ramirez]: meow e.e

2004-04-10 [YokoTsuta]: =^^=

2004-04-10 [Ramirez]: =ô.o=

2004-04-10 [YokoTsuta]: uh......???

2004-04-10 [Raiko Fire]: MEOW! =O.O= meow meow mew meow mow mow

2004-04-10 [YokoTsuta]: mreow? o0

2004-04-10 [Raiko Fire]: *gasp* MEOOOOOOOOOW....

2004-04-10 [YokoTsuta]: meow meow meow meow meow!

2004-04-10 [Ramirez]: meow? Meow meow meow meow meow...*nods convincingly* oh and, meow.

2004-04-10 [Raiko Fire]: mrow! >< *tackles him*

2004-04-10 [YokoTsuta]: meoooow?

2004-04-10 [Raiko Fire]: *hisses*

2004-04-10 [Ramirez]: *sqweeks looking frightful* meep..*edges away from Rei*

2004-04-10 [YokoTsuta]: *whacks rei*

2004-04-10 [Raiko Fire]: *pins Hiei* =^-^= meep meep meep meep! *had pepsi*

2004-04-10 [Kuramasgirl]: meow?.....meep?.....

2004-04-10 [Raiko Fire]: T.T

2004-04-10 [YokoTsuta]: XP

2004-04-10 [Raiko Fire]: *turns and tackles Katie instead* wheee! =^-^=

2004-04-10 [YokoTsuta]: oof!

2004-04-10 [Raiko Fire]: *pokes*

2004-04-10 [YokoTsuta]: oh, the angst! ><

2004-04-10 [Kuramasgirl]: lol

2004-04-10 [Raiko Fire]: o.0 *goes to cat form and stares at her**sinks her claws into yoko's arm*

2004-04-10 [YokoTsuta]: what the hell is that for?

2004-04-10 [Raiko Fire]: mreow! *slinks off*

2004-04-10 [YokoTsuta]: *throws an oreo at Rei*

2004-04-10 [Kuramasgirl]: oreos? *pricks fox ears up*....yum!!!! :P

2004-04-10 [YokoTsuta]: *throws one at you, hitting you in the head*

2004-04-10 [Kuramasgirl]: ow *rubs head* oh well

2004-04-10 [YokoTsuta]: mwahaha!

2004-04-10 [Kuramasgirl]: I'm used to it -_-;;

2004-04-10 [YokoTsuta]: see? I'm helping you for further on in life if you trip, fall down the stairs, and land on your head. ^^

2004-04-10 [Kuramasgirl]: what? 0.o

2004-04-10 [YokoTsuta]: hehe....nothing.

2004-04-10 [Kuramasgirl]: -_-

2004-04-10 [YokoTsuta]: mwahahahaha!

2004-04-10 [Kuramasgirl]: .......

2004-04-10 [YokoTsuta]: :P

2004-04-10 [Kuramasgirl]: XP

2004-04-10 [YokoTsuta]: btw, who the hell cares?

2004-04-10 [Ramirez]: o.o

2004-04-10 [YokoTsuta]: (about her mood) what?

2004-04-10 [Ramirez]: o.O

2004-04-10 [YokoTsuta]: hi.

2004-04-10 [Raiko Fire]: *walks back in human form and grabs an oreo* *puts it someplace special* >>

2004-04-10 [YokoTsuta]: EWWWW!

2004-04-10 [Raiko Fire]: mwahahahahahaha! *takes it out and eats it* ^-^

2004-04-10 [YokoTsuta]: *twitch*

2004-04-10 [Raiko Fire]: whaaat? you want it? oo *holds out oreo*

2004-04-10 [YokoTsuta]: OO *runs away*

2004-04-10 [Raiko Fire]: ^^

2004-04-10 [YokoTsuta]: that's SICK!!!!

2004-04-10 [Raiko Fire]: I know e.e

2004-04-10 [YokoTsuta]: you've been talking to lami too long, ya know?

2004-04-10 [Raiko Fire]: o.o;;;;;;;; *twitch*

2004-04-10 [YokoTsuta]: hehe...

2004-04-10 [Raiko Fire]: I was doing that LOOONG before you even knew him! ><

2004-04-10 [YokoTsuta]: XP

2004-04-10 [Ramirez]: o.O

2004-04-10 [YokoTsuta]: what?

2004-04-10 [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: I have a Yu Yu Hakusho wiki: Yu Yu Hakusho Fans Unite!]

2004-04-10 [YokoTsuta]: ^^

2004-04-17 [YokoTsuta]: woot

2004-04-17 [Lady Alaina]: Hello! ^^ Y'know...I just noticed this...but everybody seems to be drawing Kurama and Hiei...It's like...Yuske and Kuwabara never existed... Hey...I like that........I like the nes one...

2004-04-17 [Raiko Fire]: Yusuke is okay...

2004-04-17 [YokoTsuta]: kuwabara's just not cut out to be cute.

2004-04-17 [yuki undefined]: thats true

2004-04-17 [YokoTsuta]: and he's not as good of a fighter as the others

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